Solar Panel Cleaning Service

Solar Panel Cleaning | Solar Panel Critter Guard Installation | Leaf Guard For Solar Panels


Solar Panel Cleaning Service

Solar Panel Cleaning

Solar Panel Critter Guard Installation

Leaf Guard For Solar Panels

Solar Panel Cleaning Service

Solar panels have to be regularly maintained to continue operating at maximum efficiency. With Solar Panel Guardian solar panel cleaning services, we can help you maintain your current solar panels and provide future cleaning as requested.

Solar Panel Guardian Services Include

  • Clearing Obstructions

Overtime branches, leaves, and layers of dirt can obstruct the solar panels cell from absorbing sunlight.

  • Proper Equipment

As professional solar panel cleaners, we have the nessesscary equipment needed to help you maintain and clean the solar panels.

  • Licensed Insepections

After properly cleaning your solar panels we will provide an inspection to make sure the solar panels are up to code and working as intended.

Proper Maintenance

It is recommended to have your solar panels professionally cleaned twice a year to make sure your solar panel cells are fully functional and able to retain the energy from the sun.

Solar Panel Cleaning Service

Solar panels have to be regularly maintained to continue operating at maximum efficiency. With Solar Panel Guardian solar panel cleaning services, we can help you maintain your current solar panels and provide future cleaning as requested.

Solar Panel Guardian Services Include

  • Clearing Obstructions

Overtime branches, leaves, and layers of dirt can obstruct the solar panels cell from absorbing sunlight.

  • Proper Equipment

As professional solar panel cleaners, we have the nessesscary equipment needed to help you maintain and clean the solar panels.

  • Licensed Insepections

After properly cleaning your solar panels we will provide an inspection to make sure the solar panels are up to code and working as intended.

Proper Maintenance

It is recommended to have your solar panels professionally cleaned twice a year to make sure your solar panel cells are fully functional and able to retain the energy from the sun.

Solar Panel Critter Guard Installation & Solar Panel Cleaning Service

Reason To Clean Your Solar Panels

Reason To Clean Your Solar Panels

Available Solar Panel Services

Solar Panel Guardian

Solar Panel
Critter Guard

  • High Quality Mesh Guards
  • Licensed Installations
  • Prevents Nesting & Animal Damage
  • Long Term Service

Protect your solar panels by installing critter guards. It can help prevent birds, squirrels, rats, mice, and any other critters from nesting behind your solar panels.

Solar Panel Guardian

Solar Panel Cleaning Services

  • Knowledgable Staff
  • Proper Cleaning Equipment
  • Fast Cleaning Service
  • Contact Us for Appointments

Providing cleaning maintenance for your solar panel can increase the longevity of the solar panels and help with the efficiency of retaining solar energy.

Solar Panel Guardian

Solar Panel
Snow Guards

  • Professional Installation Services
  • Fully Licensed & Trained
  • Best Quality Materials
  • Long Term Service

Snow Guards can help prevent snowfall from falling into walkways and paths leading to your business or home. Call us today for more information


Contact us for more information on our solar panel protection services.

To get an estimate of the cost for protecting your solar panels from animals in NY or NJ, contact us at 732-387-4135 / 646-741-4333